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Friday, July 31, 2009

VS_EuroCross_D05 Available on August 2, 2009

I have to apologize because you have to wait until August 2, 2009 for downloading VS_EuroCross_D05. I just finished to build this version, but still little modification is needed. However I have already made backtest, and you can compare with my previous backtest. It is same result with FixedTP version. Only there is a significant difference with previous version, at this version I use spread + n pips formula instead of double spread, and the last it become external variable.
This change make incompatibility with any previous mql version. But seem it still possible to make flexibility using spread + n pips formula or double spread.

2 komentar:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to it. Do you already have the News filter included before running the backtest?

Syarif said...

Not yet. But I try to add ffcal indicator. Hence everything is start from beginning while vs_eurocross_d04 will be expired.

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