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Monday, August 10, 2009

Exploiting Low Volatility 468x60 Best Seller Giveaway
At the decent time most of trades executed during 19-23 GMT+2 only. After that time often just one trade can be executed. With the possibility to set the minimum range we can exploit this low volatility. I change my set for 22-05 trading time. For the last 2 days, I don't use spread filter during this time. I set my min range to 1 and let my min profit to 2.
VS_EurChf Optimization
Actually optimizing VS_EurChf is more simple then vs_eurocross. Mostly you just need to optimize the trading time and stoploss. To get higher profit ratio then reduce maxtrade value. If you are optimizing on Mayor pair then you should always set TradeLowRangeDay to False as well tradeoutsideband. On the other hand, you set both variables to True on cross pair. rd3etifapw
Keep the robustness of your optimization. Every time you get satisfaction result on mayor pair, then test it on other mayor pair and it should be profitable. The result should be also profitable on cross pair.

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Risk Warning

Please note that Trading in the Foreign Exchange market might carry potential rewards, but also potential risks. You must be aware of the risks and are willing to accept them in order to trade in the foreign exchange market. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose.